It's a rainy day on Melbourne today... looks like I woke up in some northern winter outpost in Scandinavia. But on the bright side, I feel that the painting, 'Clearing the Mind' is complete. It is still quite confronting by its starkness but the colours are very warm and the head is serene. The ladder which comprises of green marks is to suggest the intransigent nature of the character that serves you when you are letting go. If it had been solid the concept of imagination would have been cancelled. The shadow is so light it doesn't require a solid form to ascend. The blue form on the side is a container for the head, but is reflective and supportive. Having the edges of his universe in such bold, warm, hues of reds, pinks and yellows evokes energy and revitalization. The glow in his head where the shadow has polished and cleared away the accumulated rubbish has a red bucket dangling from the ladder to hold the residue.